Class is ageless

Jadwiga is  76 years old. She is not from here, she just visited her great- grandson, first time took a plane and flew in this direction. We know each other for a very long time, but she met me as her photographer for the first time in my studio. We drank tea, had a chat and then I suggested few outfits for all the family members. Jadwiga was professionally photographed last time on her daughter wedding, 30 years ago, and she was just a guest, so a picture was taken with other guests. This time her granddaughters insisted on a photo-session with little Tim.

Jadwiga was born 76 years ago, in a small village, close to the city. She lived there with her parents and two little sisters, Mila and Theresa. They had a farm, everything went fine, up till the point when her mum felt bad and was diagnosed with cancer, Jadwiga was 16 then, her sisters 14 and 8. Her mum died shortly after being diagnosed, but long enough for her to see how much pain her mum was going through. Medicine in 1950’s wasn’t greatly advanced when it comes to cancer; Jadwiga took over care for her sisters and dad, and a farm. She decided she will be a seamstress, her mum taught her a little, and she quite enjoyed it, what’s more important – additional money were needed, so her sisters could be still schooled.

She liked making dresses for herself and her family, she was scrupulous and thorough. Dress code was much stricter then, you needed to dress ‘properly’, according to occasion and not to bring any shame with not ironed shirt or a well pleated skirt… It was also very religious community.

On the way to work she left her sisters off at school.; every evening after work she checked homework’s, fed animals on the farm, prepared dinner and lunch for the next day, etc.

After a year their dad got a job in the centre of the  city, so they left the farm and got a flat in newly built block of flats. She applied for a position in a well-known nationally man fashion factory. In the meantime she met handsome man, applied for her own flat, then  got married, then was promoted to the section manager. She got pregnant, had a daughter, and noone to ask about the process or what to expect. Google then didn’t exist, only way was to actually talk to someone experienced.

Today we would say she was independent women at work, created partnership marriage, and built herself a great career. She retired as a Quality Manager for the department, she had a status in the firm, reputation, on personal level she had two daughters and two granddaughters (same one who brought her to the studio). After few months from her 44th wedding anniversary with her husband, in November he had a heart attack… ambulance was late two minutes. He had ‘preventing’ pill in his front pocket of his shirt, that his wife sew for him…

From her granddaughters I know that every year in winter months, starting in November she is becoming very silent, sometimes distant. She never was a women who would share her feelings, however with age she became more affectionate, to the point that every time the granddaughter leaves to UK she is crying, as she never know if she will see her again. Now Tim also comes to the equation.

A year after her husband, her best friend passed away, also for cancer; three years later other, four next one… neighbour who moved in to the same building as her once new family as well; the other is after stroke… Sometimes she jokes, that she will rest forever soon. But then spring comes and there she is carrying for her garden, lawn moving, extracting weeds, pruning trees; not only her own garden, but also her daughter, her neighbor’s daughter too. She is very energetic, always on the move. She loves playing with Tim.  Tim’s mum says it is amazing how parents turn into grandparents and all of the sudden they allow cookies for breakfast. But then they turn into great grandparents, and there are absolutely no rules any more, great grandma is climbing  kids ladders in the softplay and allowing to play with her best cooking equipment (she is an excellent one, and even better in baking).

All the conversations happened during the shoot, sometimes Jadwiga complained:

  • ‘This dress is too fancy. Where would I potentially go in this? And all those sequins.’
  • I will show you how you look in a minute. – and I brought large mirror for her to see herself.
  • ‘Ok, not bad, what do I do now?’

And so she stood there, classy, glamorous, even posed and laughed. And when she saw her prints few days later, she took all of them and shared with her last girlfriend, saying ‘She won’t believe I dressed like this. You see I am a jeans lady. I don’t like skirts, there is too much fuss about them on a daily basis. I like my trainers, my granddaughter bought me special one as a gift – you know – the running one, with ‘cushions’. ’

Please meet – Jadwiga. The most inspiring people are not on TV or in advertising. They are right next to you, leading by example.

Jadwiga – next 30 years for you – at least!  please! You are a true blessing for anyone on your way.